Python: 3 years
Unreal Engine (Blueprints): 6 years
Project M RAW Manager
An application written in Python to manage different versions of Project M for use with the Dolphin Emulator.
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CitraBox is an app built in Python 3.9 to assist, automate, and optimize the workflow of a Large Format Printing operation. It includes features like file imposition, organization and archival tools, and pre-flight file checks. It also includes internet-enabled features that heavily leverage the HP PrintOS SiteFlow API like automatically naming files and modifying the order database.
Note: CitraBox is not available to the public for the time being, as it is too heavily specialized for one client. A future rewrite will be targeted at a broad range of users and include more general and configurable features.
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CitraCut is an application built in Python to operate Large Format vinyl plotters and cutters. It acts as a file manager for Cut Files, using the Onyx CUT-Server. When a file is submitted, it deploys the file to an appropriate hot folder, activating the cutter and keeping the amount of data processed through Onyx to a minimum, as software slowdown was the biggest time bottleneck in production.
A simple project created for a challenge, showcasing a clean and efficient Splash Screen (startup loading screen) for an app built in Tkinter. It uses a web-hosted image and is very easy to implement into an existing project.
A countdown timer built in Tkinter as part of a challenge. Switchable light and dark mode themes, and features web-hosted fonts that ensure the aesthetic will be the same across devices.